28 februar 2008

Nytt grensensitt for JSTORE

The interface has been updated with a new look, and more tools and capabilities for users have been integrated into the system. The new platform will also provide a more flexible foundation for future development, allowing us to add features and a greater array of scholarly content.

The new platform will replace the current JSTOR site. We currently anticipate a launch in mid-March. In preparation, we invite you to explore a preview of the new site.

The preview can be accessed by going to the JSTOR sandbox at http://sandbox.jstor.org.

20 februar 2008


Jude Carroll holdt en flott fagdag i HiO i 2008, der plagiering ble gjennomgått. En artikkel om hvordan undervisningsinstitusjoner kan hindre plagiering er lenket opp her - det er: "Studenter og skriftlige arbeider – før og nå". Denne artikkelen er også publisert i Bibliotekforum i 2008. -
Kristin Røijen! file://H:\Mine dokumenter\NFF\Bibliotekforum\Carroll.doc

19 februar 2008

One-step RSS alerts now fully integrated into EBSCOhost

EBSCO Publishing is making it easier for users to receive
alerts. The One-Step RSS Alerts feature is now fully
integrated into EBSCOhost®. RSS alerts allow users to add
their EBSCOhost searches to their feed readers. Library
administrators can control the availability of this feature
by using EBSCOadmin.
Users who conduct an EBSCOhost search will see the RSS
orange icon next to the Create alert for this search link. When the
user clicks the link, EBSCOhost displays confirmation that the
Search Alert has been created, including its RSS feed, used to
enable news readers or Web pages (aggregators) to display
alert results.
As long as the EBSCOhost user adds the feed to an aggregator
within one week of its creation, it will not expire, unless the
aggregator does not automatically update results (extremely
unlikely) supplied by the feed for two months.
Updated Search or Journal Alert results can be sent to an
e-mail address as well. Users can click the Sign in and create
a new alert link.