27 august 2010

Finn artikler vha. DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

Mange elektroniske artikler tilordnes DOI, som kan brukes for å gjenfinne artikler på nettet. Hver artikkel får et unikt og permanent DOI-nummer, som består en streng med tall (og evt. bokstaver).

Eksempel på DOI:

Eksempel på referanse med DOI (klippet fra EBSCO-base):
Molecular genetic approaches to understanding the roles and regulation of iron in brain health and disease. By: Johnstone, Daniel; Milward, Elizabeth A.. Journal of Neurochemistry, Jun2010, Vol. 113 Issue 6, p1387-1402, 16p; DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-4159.2010.06697.x

Hvordan finne artikkelen?
  1. Kopiere DOI-nummeret (10.1111/j.1471-4159.2010.06697.x)
  2. Gå til siden http://dx.doi.org
    (evt. kan du lime inn http://dx.doi.org foran DOI-nummeret i adressefeltet i nettleseren)
  3. Lim inn DOI'en og klikk på Go-knappen
  4. Så søkes artikkelen opp
NB! Om man får tilgang til fulltekst kommer som vanlig an på HiOs abonnementer.

DOI i litteraturlister
Den bibliografiske stilen APA 6. utg. anbefaler at dersom en kilde har DOI, skal dette oppgis i referansen for både trykt og elektroniske materiale.

Eksempel på referanse med DOI i APA-stilen:
Hannon, E. E. (2009). Perceiving speech rhythm in music: Listeners
classify instrumental songs according to language of origin.
Cognition, 111(3), 403-409. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2009.03.003

Les mer:
The DOI system: http://www.doi.org/
DOI og APA: http://www.apastyle.org/learn/faqs/what-is-doi.aspx

05 august 2010

Nytt grensesnitt fra ScienceDirect

In August, ScienceDirect, Scopus and the targeted web content from Scirus will be integrated within one platform - SciVerse. SciVerse will combine trusted content with an expanding universe of tools that accelerate search and discovery.

See what's coming - This four minute video provides an overview of the next release of our Elsevier subscribed products.

As this Accelerating Science video explains, the August release of SciVerse will:

  • Deliver de-duplicated results from a single search across your licensed ScienceDirect, Scopus and Scirus products
  • Feature three free applications to enhance search and discovery, including one that allows you to search only the methods/experimental procedures sections of the articles in ScienceDirect

Over subsequent releases, SciVerse will:

  • Give you access to content APIs that allow us and other members of the scientific community to develop applications
  • Enable researchers to establish a trusted social network of colleagues that will help them filter information


03 august 2010

Nytt OVID-grensesnitt

Nytt grensesnitt lansert 2. august.
Informasjon fra OVID:

Nytt grensesnitt fra Wiley-Blackwell

Wiley Online Library will launch a new user-interface over the weekend of August 7-8. Wiley Online Library replaces Wiley InterScience and will deliver seamless integrated access to over 4 million articles from 1500 journals, 9000 books, and hundreds of reference works, laboratory protocols and databases from John Wiley & Sons and imprints including Wiley-Blackwell, Wiley-VCH and Jossey-Bass. Featuring a clean and easy-to-use interface, this online service provides intuitive navigation, enhanced discoverability, expanded functionalities and a range of personalization and alerting options.

What you need to know:

As a registered user of Wiley InterScience or as an author registered with Author Services, your registration details and profile will automatically transfer to Wiley Online Library.

However, if you have previously used the saved searches features you will need to reset these, once the site is launched. Please follow the instructions in the Information for End Users area of the Information site.

Our pre-launch information website wileyonlinelibrary.com/info has all the information you need to help you familiarize yourself with the new site. Log on to:

  • Take a look at the Slideshow to familiarize yourself with the main pages of the new site.
  • Join Twitter, Facebook and our email lists to ensure you receive the very latest updated information.
  • When the site goes live, update any bookmarks or links you have so they take you direct to your favorite journals or subject areas on Wiley Online Library
  • Add the Wiley Online Library logo and links to journals in your subject area on your departmental or research website. Access the Promotional Resources available.
  • Register for a training webinar

02 august 2010

EBSCOhost® Mobile™

EBSCOhost® Mobile™ er tilgjengelig for mobilbrukere som ønsker en applikasjon designet spesielt for mobiltelefonenes små skjermer.

Den nye EBSCOhost® Mobile™ applikasjonen er skreddersydd for små mobilskjermer og tilbyr de viktigste EBSCOhost® funksjoner og funksjonalitet rett i hånden!

Når biblioteket har skapt en profil i EBSCOadmin™ for EBSCOhost Mobile, vil dette nye grensesnittet være tilgjengelig for alle bibliotekets sluttbrukere.

EBSCOhost® Mobile™ tilbyr følgende funksjoner:

· Ulike søkmoduser
· HTML og PDF fulltekst
· Limiters
· Bildedatabase (avhenger av valgt database)
· Send artikler via e-post
· Preferanser
· Multi-database søking
· Branding