24 juli 2008

Blackwell tidsskrifter flyttet til Wiley InterScience

Opplæring i Wiley InterSceince og informasjon om hvordan funksjonalitet i Blackwell grensensittet overføres til Wiley InterScience kan du lese mer om nedenfor.

User guides and e-learning modules/tutorials are available to access on: interscience.wiley.com/tutorials.

Wiley also offers a free training webinars which can be accessed by registering for by going to this tutorials site and going here https://wiley-interscience.webex.com and clicking on 'Upcoming'.

In addition, Wiiley has produced this Terminology Converter (PDF 668k) so that it is possible to see how features on Blackwell Synergy will be transitioned to equivalent features on Wiley InterScience, and what those features will be called.

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