21 februar 2007

JSTOR endringer

Revised search forms: The Advanced Search form will now include four new fields for entering and combining full text, author, article title, abstract, and caption field search queries. Also navigation options and help files for the Basic Search and Article Locator forms have been updated, and the Expert Search form has been removed.

Linking Enhancements: New linking functionality in the JSTOR website is now visible on article view and article information pages. In addition to already-existing links to articles in JSTOR that are referenced within a given article (“reference linking”), information about other articles in JSTOR that in-turn cite a given article (“forward linking”) will now be displayed. Also displayed will be links to articles by authors with the same name as the authors of the article. To further aid in resource discovery, we will also provide “forward linking” via Google Scholar which will enable users to see if an article has been cited by others in articles not necessarily present in JSTOR. Retrospective capture of linking data is still underway for archived content in JSTOR, so the number and availability of these linking options will continue to grow over the next several months. The retrospective portion of this work is expected to be completed by the end of 2007.

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